Perinatal Program
Empowered Birth and Beyond

During pregnancy, your body undergoes incredible changes rapidly. Many people experience new aches and pains – this is common, but not normal. Physical therapy can help to eliminate your pain to keep you feeling your best well into your third trimester. This program includes everything you need to know to have an empowered birth experience. We will go over safe exercise during pregnancy, perineal massage, labor and birth preparation, postpartum preparation, and cesarean section considerations. We will determine optimal positions for you to be in during the second stage of labor, where you are actively pushing. By finding your optimal positioning we are able to determine where you are most effective in order to minimize the risk of tearing, reduce your pushing time, and improve your birth experience. Just like every body is different, every birth is different. Let’s work together to find the best strategies for you and your baby in birth.
We don’t stop there though. Once postpartum, we will have a Telehealth appointment at your earliest convenience, but ideally around two weeks postpartum when you are settling in at home. From there, we will address any immediate concerns you may (or may not) have and game plan our next steps to support you getting back to the things you love. This is not a quick fix or one-size-fits-all approach. It is important that we develop a plan specific to you – your medical and birth history, your schedule, your goals. I believe developing a clear path towards your goals will help to keep you on track and motivated for long term success.
Included in Your Program
Frequently Asked Questions

This guide is organized to provide solutions to the most common concerns, ensuring you have the information you need at your fingertips. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out directly for further assistance.
Let’s Tackle Your Goals